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Cancelling, Pausing & Reactivating

How do I cancel my subscription?

Step 1: Login to your Reel Account. Step 2: Under the right hand side menu (if you're on mobile, scroll down to the bottom), click on the Manage subscriptions link. Step 3: On the Manage subscriptions page, click on your subscription product. Step 4:

Can I cancel or edit an order before it ships?

You can request the cancellation of an order before it has been shipped, and while our system doesn't allow for order cancellation once it's been placed, we'll do our best to accommodate such requests.

Can I pause my subscription?

While there isn't a pause button in your account, you can easily skip your next order by the click of a button, or push back your next order to any date you choose, allowing you to get your next order date only when you need it!

How do I reactivate my subscription?

Step 1: Login to your Reel Account. Step 2: Click on the Manage subscriptions button on the sidebar (on mobile, this button will be located at the bottom of the page). Step 3: On the subscriptions page, click on the Inactive subscriptions link. Step